Order Cancellation
You may cancel any order for up to 24 hours after the order is placed for a full refund. After 24 hours, a 10% cancellation fee will be applied to cancelled orders.
We are committed to providing a superior product at a reasonable price. Your satisfaction with the quality of our products is unconditionally guaranteed. Any item we sell may be returned within 45 days of its shipping date for any reason; however, the following conditions apply:
- Non-customized items must be returned in as new condition in the original packaging with all original accessories.
- Custom order items (such as a server that has been configured by us with DNS zone files, DHCP reservations, domain names, etc) must meet the criteria listed in the previous item, and there will be a 15% reconfiguration fee.
- Items with failing or failed components (not many of these ever make it out of our shop to start with) may be returned for a correctly functioning replacement within the 45 day period. After that, the standard warranty applies.
- You must contact us before returning your order to obtain an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number. Items returned without an RMA number will not be accepted.
Our liability is limited to replacing the unsatisfactory product or refunding the purchase price less shipping and handling charges – the choice is yours (well, as long as you meet the conditions listed above.)